Heidi Santos Palalay |

Relative Sight: Janet Taggart-cello, vocal; Heidi Palalay-guitar
Killing Me Softly
Heidi is the daughter of Mary (Santos) and Ador Palalay residing
in Newark, Delaware. Heidi's siblings are - Dennis, Noel (in heaven), and Juana.
Santos Palting First Family ReUnion

Prayer for Unity
Father, thou art the God of love. When we look at the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ
we see that love poured out for us. What remarkable love that is, love that will not let us go, love that pursues us despite
our rebuffs, love that never gives up, relentless in its pursuit until we yield, broken, melted by thy love. Lord, this is
the nature and character of the love that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us. It is this
remarkable thing that the world waits to see in Christian people. It is the absence of this, Father, that makes them turn
away from our doors, uninterested, disappointed. Lord, teach us then to love one another. Whatever this may mean in terms
of our personal circumstances, teach us, Father, to love one another. We pray in Christ's name, Amen.

Signs of Unity
These framed signatures of solemn oath of oneness represent
those who were present and those who were not able to join us in this an Historic Event for the FAMILY.
Sneak preview of the photos -courtesy of Jingo/Tettet
Be Safe! We Care!
We Love you!
Please note that the "Natulbekan nga ridaw" page is intended for relatives (only) to
access, and there we can all pour out our feelings of joys, sentiment, sadness, mode, .... and share your wisdom.
Please also note that I will NOT automatically give you access if you don't request it. You have to let
me know.
Here's the procedure:
1) let me know your name and email address
2) I will assign your password
3) Then you are ready enter
I believe in the sun even when it isn't shining. I believe in love even when
I am alone. I believe in God even when he is silent.
Esther (balasang), JD, Yvonne Leilani (pekkle65), Mario, Michelle, Anthony, Marcia and everyone! The responses
so far is very encouraging and is showing unity. This is very very helpful.
What? We forgot of EVELYN !? Evelyn this is an example of senior moments syndrome. This Tree will never be complete without its blossoming
Good feedback Alex (boteg). We'll impliment your suggestion when we revamp the
site after we recieive enough info from everybody.
Uncle Johnny & Aunt Myrna - thanks for the input, it's sure nice to
hear from you.
Tet-Tet - 'got your message. I'll publish it w/ the pics shortly. Thanx
for your input. Excellent suggestion wrt "Urgent" messages. I'll take a look at that.
Julie - nice pictures you sent. Still in process for publication. They'll
be out shortly.
Joanne - thanx for the softcopies of the historic documents.
I'll have them out soon.
Rosally - those are beautiful photos. I'll place them in the site soon. Thanx.
Before I forget, Kinfolks, yes indeed you can publish PICTURES!!!! as a matter of truth , we need them.
Here is what you need to do. Send them to me as a jpeg file or attached as a microsoft
words to w6hma@earthlink.net . I will then enter and publish it. You can help me by including your caption.

Our clan, the Santos-Palting Clan is getting bigger and bigger. As it
steadily expands, our relationship gets farther and farther apart. The new scions
of this group don’t’ even get to know each other now.
I remember a few years back, we celebrated Christmas
in the house of cousin Martha Santos Panaszewicz in San Francisco. Martha’s
house is very spacious. We gathered in the downstairs floor. This has an annex
that used to be a school for the physically and mentally challenged youth of the City.
Despite its large space, the place was very crowded, teeming with RELATIVES.
To exaggerate it a little bit, we could hardly have elbowroom to move around.
I couldn’t believe we have become this BIG, and that all of us are now in the U.S. And now I come to think of it, the group that gathered here were only the members of our clan who
reside in Northern California. What more so, if we included those in Southern California and others who reside in several
other states, such as Illinois (Chicago), Hawaii (Honolulu, Kauai), Delaware and Nebraska.
During this Christmas gathering, I remember Lyra,
(Joel Giron’s wife) inquiring from her husband: “You are so many. How are you related to Marcia?”
thought for a moment and then he said: “I know she is my cousin, but other than that, I don’t’ really know
how to trace the relationship.
overheard their conversation, I tried to explain in a nutshell the relationship. I
made a sketch of a Family Tree, indicating the roots and trunk and labeled these MARTA PALTING & BERNARDINO SANTOS. I put up four branches representing the siblings that sprouted out of this trunk,
SANTOS married to ROSARIO ALEJANDRO and later on, when he was widowed, married MAXIMA COLOMA
married to PEDRO BATAC.
In order
not to make it very complicated, I did not include the deceased siblings, JUAN SANTOS and IMPING SANTOS who had no direct
descendants when they died. In a similar manner, I also did not place the names of the other siblings born out of wedlock.
From these 4 branches, I
sketched several smaller branches, putting names on them, until I came to where Marcia’s twig was located (farther down,
under MARCIANA), and also Joel’s twig (down under AGRIPINO), and then I drew an arrow connecting Joel and Marcia. After that I exclaimed: “EUREKA! Do you see this? This is the relationship.” (Actually, Joel is the second cousin of Marcia’s dad, VALERIO. Therefore,
Joel is Marcia’s uncle).
So, as MINA
ASUNCION (from Marciana’s branch), has thought of opening this website, www.datayo.com, I couldn’t be more elated at the thought that we have something to show our children,
and our children’s children that we came from one single noble root.
So MINA, in response to your message, I really welcome this website. I know we can count on the contribution of our relatives to sustain and improve and
polish this website. I’m
sure this is something that everybody will look forward to, especially the younger generation of our clan. From:
To continue building the Family Tree,
I suggest that each of us shall write down the names of the members of our immediate families, our sons and daughters, their
husbands or wives, their children, etc. We should also include two additional branches representing the siblings who were
born out of wedlock. Then we will join these all together, just like a jigsaw puzzle. When completed, this will be one of
the features of our website.

Dominador Santos Madamba |

Salvacion Santos Madamba Asuncion |

We got to keep moving on. Just let me know your rathers and
I'll publish it.
